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Analysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography
  • Analysing Gas ChromatographyAnalysing Gas Chromatography

Analysing Gas Chromatography

Weshine® Novus Brand et Fastor in Area Electrica oriuntur. Relying on High-Quality product and efficient after-venditions service to win the trust of customers. Weshine tua est credita fabrica et supplementum in China. facere gas analysis optime operatur, praesertim post venditionesque servitium est Excellentissimum. Prospiciens deinceps habere bonam et longam societatem cum te.

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Analysing Gas Chromatography


Product Introductio:


WeshineAnalysing Gas Chromatographyspecialitas in analysi gasorum in oleum insulating transformantis. TheAnalysing Gas Chromatographygenera partium gasorum in insulating oleo per duas vel tres chromatographicas columnas resolvere possunt. Si multa exemplaria olei ad probandum opus sunt, tunc Headspace Autosampler adiuvare potest vapores ex oleo Weshine extrahere.Analysing Gas Chromatography. 27/72 Exemplaria abhorrent et calefieri possunt, et vapores ab ipso Autosampler transmittunt. Potest auxiliumAnalysing Gas Chromatographymultum, et praeter laborem sumptum ac tempus sumptus. The software of theAnalysing Gas ChromatographyFacile est operari, possumus regimen online video et subsidia longinqua praebere. Quaeso fruere nostro 7days*24hours post-venditio muneris.


Parameter productum:


operating ostentationem

192* 64 cancellos liquidi cristalli periodici

Temperatus imperium regio

VI vias


5â~ 400℃


Rate 0.1 ~ 39â/min

Externi eventus

4 vias



Communicationis interface

Ethernet: IEEE802.3



Product Feature:


Analysing Gas Chromatographymaxime analysi vapores partium ex transformator olei insulating.Analysing Gas Chromatographyopera cum Aere Generante, Hydrogeno Generante et Oscillatore.

Oscillator offensiones et calefacit oleum sample ut felis ex oleo. Et tunc injiciunt gas sample in theAnalysing Gas Chromatography. Antea, FID1 et FID2, Aeris Generator et Hydrogenus Generator uterentur ut incenderentAnalysing Gas Chromatographyautomatice specimen gasi solvebis, et vapores componentium fluctus in programmate in PC. Testium rumorem a typographo e imprimi posse videbis.Analysing Gas Chromatography.


Product Details:


Pro Headspace Exemplar:




Autosampler vapores ex oleis insulantibus excerpere et vapores gasi ad thecam transmittereAnalysing Gas ChromatographyColumns. Munus habet calefactionis et foedae, loco oscillatoris manualis.


Singula phialas


Numerus phialarum


Phial Material

Vitri Neutralis

Volumen phialam


phialam Septum

PTFE obductis cum butene rubber

PTFE obductis silicone rubber

Aluminium Cap




Nam Oscillator:



Oscillator oleum transformatorem calefacit et incutit ut vapores e transformantis unguentis insulantis ipso facto extrahantur. In posuere interdum tortor ac interdum. Olea 40ml in injectorem 100ml pone, et deinde 8 injectores in max in oscillatorem pone opera extractionis incipere.



Enim consectetuer Generator:

Hoc Hydrogenium Generator facere hydrogenii pro theAnalysing Gas Chromatographyhydrogenium in FID1 et FID2 accendere potest.

Nam Aeris Generator;


Aeris Generator praebet aerem propterAnalysing Gas Chromatographyad auxilium Hydrogenium accendi.





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